Who benefits from our services ?
Just about anyone with an investment in capital stock and/or intangible assets can benefit from our services. Everyone from large public corporations to sole proprietorships.

We have valued business transactions ranging from $50,000 to in excess of $200 million.

Our clients include:

- auto and truck dealerships

- banks, savings & loans, and other financial institutions

- insurance companies and agencies

- information service companies

- medical, dental, legal, accounting and other types of professional practices

- metals and metal fabrication companies

- retail stores

- hospitals, nursing homes, laboratories and other related health care companies

- manufacturing, merchandising and service businesses

- third parties (such as lawyers, other accountants, insurance agents and bankers).


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Valuation Developments


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Managing Director

John W. Hayes

Phone: (630) 573-7654

Fax:(630) 573-9930

Cell: (630) 670-7654

Toll Free: (800) 898-3048

e-mail: jwhayes@anchorval.com

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